Thursday, September 1, 2016

Headquarter House/ Fenton House

We ventured back over to the Headquarter House to finish the drain, we have the parts we need.
I found this cool mushroom, with a pleated canopy.  Cute!
 Fun little mushroom popped out of the grass
it has a fluted top.

 I liked it!
 First Scorpion, I brought it home its in a bottle, I will stage some photo's.
 Elder Gibson working on the drain!
 Elder Foy
 Elder Gibson
Elder Mattison

The Mattison's arrived home last night!!  We are so glad to have them back.  Now more work at the Fenton House, we can complete the wiring, put in the plugs, switches, and the lights.  The doors can be rehung.  And the prep work for the floors will begin.

Oh my!!!  Here we go!!

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