Saturday, April 23, 2016

Fenton Home

We used today to just clean the trailer, enjoy the valley and organize our few possessions.  Its been a wonderful week and the trailer has worked perfect as our home!!
 So we had a large miracle occur while traveling to Prairie Hills.  The tongue of the trailer has broken from the frame.  The welding came apart.  The Lord blessed us with a safe journey.  The trailer will not be going home with us.  It will remain at the Navisota Ranch.
 Elder Gibson trying to see if the trailer can be fixed!
When you lift the tongue of the trailer the interior bed lifts with the tongue.  
That is not supposed to happen.
 Mourning Dove

 This fun flower has a beautiful mauve head, and then the cute little white flower appears!

The ponds are called Tanks

 Its a hot day and the bull is staying in the shade!

This fun caterpillar was creeping along the grass.

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