Friday, September 2, 2016

Schamp's at Wichita Falls, Texas

We left Navasota Ranch, headed to Wichita Falls, Texas to take back the Metal Binder back to Triangle Ranch.   Elder and Sister Schamp are meeting us in Wichita Falls.  We our both very excited to visit with Frank and Barbara.  We served at the Adam Ondi Ahman Mission with the Schamp's and we had a blast!
 We met Elder and Sister Schamp at McAlisters

 Elder Frank and Sister Barbara Schamp

 The gang together again!!
 Loading up the Bender onto the Triangle Truck
 From the Navasota Truck
 Elder Gibson unhooked the straps
 Elder Frank
 Sister Barbara
 Bender ready for the trip to Triangle

 Schamps to us to Braum's for a Sundae/Ice Cream Cone!

 Adorable Sister Schamp

 Making a Brownie Sundae
Elder Gibson with a twist cone! 
 Photo moment!!
We hope at one point on there six month service, we might get to serve together.
Either at the Triangle or Navasota Ranch!

It was wonderful to have this time together. and to share giggles and joy with each other.
We love the Schamp's, they will have a wonderful time serving at the Triangle Ranch!

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