Monday, October 24, 2016

Ranch Office Framing

Beautiful Monday Morning, and the sunrise was spectacular,

 Sister Shaw, Sister Gibson, and Sister Foy

 Prayer meeting
 The whole crew gathered at the site to help us stand the first walls of the office.

 Sister Briskey, Sister Shaw, Sister Foy and Sister Gibson

 And the first wall of the office is up! 
many more to come!

 Wall number 2 up!

 And wall number 3 

 Sun shining through the clouds
 Cowboy ran over our trailer power line.  oops!!
Elder Gibson and  Elder Mattison to the rescue
 This is a huge black cricket

 New spider appeared on the trailer caught a bug!

 Star the Turtle is ready to go back to the pond

 Jumping Spider

 Plumbers have arrived to install the septic tank!
 and the digging begins!

 Beautiful view from the office and the clouds awesome!!!

 We are building another wall!!

 Sister Gibson working on the blocking

 Cutting away

 septic tank has arrived

 trying to get the spetic tank in the hole.

Wonderful Monday a lot accomplished!

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