Saturday, June 11, 2016

Mexia Branch Party

Fun day today at the Mexia Branch.  We had a party, put on by the Primary.  And it was fun to visit with the Branch members.  And enjoy the kids.  The day was hot and full of Sun, but no one let that stop the joy.
Yummy food being cooked and ready to eat!!
Brother Hughes cooking the Hamburgers and Hotdogs!
William Hughes cooking!

Brother Simms, Brother Ellestad, and guest

Jason Bagley
Rider, Dallie, and Colt Bagley

President Thompson and his daughter
Colt Baglely
Water Balloon Toss
Getting the games ready for the kids to play
Colt Bagley
Sally and Danny Ellestad
Elder Lehman and Sister Hughes
Elder Hollingstead and President Thompson
All the games are up and ready to play!
Sister and Elder Foy
Elder and Sister Gibson
Cool Frisbee throw

All the kids are trying to get President Thompson Wet!

Hello Elders!!!
Elder Lehman and Elder Hollingshead
Kiley Bagley and Colt
The kids dumped the water bucket on her head!!


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