Friday, August 19, 2016

Great Day To Explore!!

So I know that I appear to play a lot, and for the most part that is what I do every day, life is great and I live it to the fullest!!  Everything I do is playing.
 Elder Gibson finishing up the doors.

 They look great!
 My spider is growing bigger every day!

 With all the rain, the wildflowers are popping up again!!

 I just love the clouds, so billowy and white!

The Tanks are all filling up and look good to take us through the rest of summer!

 We found this turtle out for a swim.

 And the night sky was blazing orange, and picturesque .

 This thistle bush had fun yellow flowers just starting to open.

 This Hawk flew into the tree as we came around the corner!

 This tree appeared to have nest all through the limbs.
but its Mistletoe, but notice how the tree is lacking in leaves.
The Mistletoe, is slowly draining the tree of its sap.
So the leaves fall off sooner.

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