Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Ranch Office Framing

Tuesday, and the work continues.
 Good Morning
 Happy Birthday Elder Shaw!!
 Elder Mattison working on the power
 Ready to set up more walls
 Wall 1

 Sister get to stand a wall!

 Wall 2

 We did it!!

 Wall 3

 Elder Mattison hard at work

Clint, Jason, and Elder Gibson 
 American Flag flying in the distance, and Elder Mattison 
 Pulling the rope through the pipe to pull the wire back through!

 Laying out the four strands of wire so that Elder Mattison can 
pull it back through the pipe.
 A type of Leaf Hopper bug

 Beautiful butterfly
 We decided to stand the back wall in pieces.
 Elder Gibson, Elder Mattison, and Jason Bagley

 Wall 1
 Wall 2

 Wall 3

 Back wall complete

Electrical panel installed and the main wire pulled through
Elder Mattison is amazing!

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