Sunday, October 16, 2016

The Briskey's Arrive!

Elder and Sister Briskey arrive at the Navasota Ranch.  Elder Jack and Sister Raelene Briskey, from Pleasant View, Utah.  They had help getting here two of their son's drove a vehicle down from Utah.
We our so excited to have the Briskey's come and serve with us at the Ranch.
 One of the Briskey boy's and Elder Gibson
 Elder Gibson, Elder Jack and Sister Raelene Briskey and their two son's.

 Home Sweet Home!!

 Briskey's arrive at the 102 House.

 Looking over the Office site, with the Briskey's, and Elder Mattison

 Elder Jack Briskey and Elder Gibson
Setting Sun

Sister Raelene and Elder Jack Briskey

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