Monday, July 11, 2016

Teague, Texas Archiving

So while the men worked on the Fenton Home, the sisters went to Teague, Tx, to the Railroad Museum, to archive some of there family history.  I was very excited to try to see if this will work.   The museum has no internet, so we had to take my scanner, camera's, and laptop.
We took lots of photo's.   Photo's of documents, pictures, obituaries and Journal entries.  Probably have over 1000 documents.  It was a lot of fun working with Sister Foy and Sister Mattison.

 Sister Foy
 Sister Gibson
Sister Mattison

Thank You ladies for your great service!

 The old plumbing!!!
 I think its cool!

 Sister Foy and Sister Mattison
 The B-RI Railroad Museum

 Cute Sisters we have fun were ever we are!!!

So after we have taken all those images, I take them and clean them up crop or repair.  And then research them to match them to the person in Family Search.  I love to find photo's of loved ones and match them to there name.  Some how the documents and photo's bring the person closer to those seeking them.

Here are just a few of the photo's that we took images of.  I thought they were fun photo's.

 I have cropped these images, and they are ready to locate there names on Family Search.

Adorable girls

 I really like there expressions
There traveling attire is quite exquisite

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