Friday, July 1, 2016

Fenton House, the rest of the week!

Fenton House, more tearing down, electrical, and prep for the windows.

 Sister Foy tearing off the old siding
 Elder Foy ripping the out the sofit!

 Elder Gibson, and Elder Mattison

 Beauty shows up everywhere!

 There were no headers in the window, so new headers need to be placed
 Reduction and enlargements need to be done.

 Cutting out the old windows
 Sisters made a run to the post office for our mail.

 Elder Mattison, setting the Meter Main
 These two windows will be covered, no new windows here

 Pounding in the Ground Rod
 Foy's cutting out the windows

 Demolish the bathroom

 More window work
 Foy's working in the old bathroom
 New panel box
 Another snake shed-ed its skin last night.

 And the lawn keeps growing.
Sister Foy back mowing the lawn.

Mexia Plumbing
We have hired out the rough plumbing!

 Empty trailer ready to be filled up again, with demolish waste
 Sister Mattison
 Elder Foy and Elder Mattison
 Elder Gibson
 Another resized window

 Wolf Spider, the white stuff is Diatomaceous earth.
A great bug killer.  This spider is about to be toast.

It was a great week, lots accomplished, and lots of wet dirty missionaries.
The weather has been Hot! Hot! Hot, and oh yeah HUMID!!!

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