Thursday, June 30, 2016

Google Balloon / UFO

So on the way back from Waco Thursday, Elder Gibson and I saw a shining object in the sky.
A UFO, appearance, it was way cool, moving very slow, appeared as a small star.
So we pulled over and I zoomed in with my camera, and it was this!
 Look real close at the balloon and you can see the Aliens Eyes.

This shot was blurry but I liked the way the sun's reflections can been seen!

So this is what the UFO we saw is.
Its a Google Balloon for Future Internet
Called the Google Loon.
Google is testing this balloon, to give Internet to places were internet is not possible.
These are photo's of the balloon that was sited in Minnesota, Texas, and Nevada.

This is what we saw, but shinning from the setting sun.
A white star in the Blue Sky

I thought this one was cute.
Very fun to have caught a piece of history being made,
with my little camera. 
I love to take photo's!!!

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