Thursday, June 16, 2016

102 House Lights, Cabinet, Hardware, and Laying the Vinyl

Another busy day!!!  We work all day and most of the evening!! The work is moving along just great.  We are a great team.  And we have the same goal in mind.  Finish!!!!
 Elder and Sister Foy adding the Kitchen Light
 Elder Gibson laying the vinyl in the 1/2 bath / laundry room
 Cleaning the paint of the hinges for the cabinets.

 And the 1/2 bath has new vinyl.

 Beautiful flower popping up on the lawn.

 These Red Hornets bite hard.
Elder Gibson working on the main bathroom
 Placing the doors on the cabinet.
 Dining room
 Working on the kitchen and dining area's

 Main bath new vinyl
 Dining new vinyl
Kitchen Cabinets

Just outside the main bathroom window is this
Awesome creature, it is huge about the size of a baseball.
" Yellow Garden Spider"

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