Sunday, June 19, 2016

Happy Fathers Day!! Tribute to my Father

Happy Fathers Day!!!

Its a special day when you can honor the Fathers.
We have much to be Thankful for.

I love my Daddy!
He is a wonderful man!
He raised five amazing girls.
And taught us each so much.
We love to fish, hike, hunt, collect rocks.  
Work hard, and play even harder.
We all Laugh, Love, and enjoy Life.

 He taught us to love God, and our Savior, to love the scriptures.
He shares his testimony often.
Our Father raised us well.

Me, Mommy and Daddy

Our Father, Dennis Dalton
Lara, Pam, Debbie, and Suzzette

Jim and Heidi, visiting Lara and Nick in Juneau Alaska.

 Nick, Lara, and Jim, in Juneau

Nick, Lara, and Heidi in Montrose, Colorado

 Daddy fishing with his Grand Children.
Dad and Deseret'

Mom, Amanda, and Dad
Amanda's Dance Recital

Suzzette, Dad, Pam, Jeff, Keisha, Jessie, Lara, Mom, and Nick

Just a few fun family photo's of my Dad, and Sisters.
Love you all!!
Happy Fathers Day Daddy!!!

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