Tuesday, June 14, 2016

102 House Painting, Painting, Painting

A beautiful day to paint a house.  So we did!!  The 102 house has a fresh coat of paint.

 Sister Gibson ready to paint.
 Elder Gibson spraying away
 And spraying!!
A painted wall

 This beautiful Butterfly came in to get a drink.

 Cicada shell

 This Butterfly was way up the tree, but I thought I'd try to capture it in film,
it turned out way cool.

 Look closely and you can see the bug hiding in the vine.
 Removing all the masking from the doors and windows.
 Sister Gibson
 Spraying the vent covers.

 Elder Gibson removed his hat that is now covered in paint.
And the sprayer did a good job it painted everything!

Beautiful Sunset,
looks like a candy corn!

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