Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Fenton House

Good morning!  Today we started out the morning with Jason, he drove us around the ranch, and showed us some of the property.

The Shop building next to the Fenton home.

Fenton House

The Cattle on the ranch are a Brangus (a Brahma + Angus)

Pond Turtle, is alive just hiding in its shell.

The grass on the ranch is Johnson Grass (Bermuda Grass) they disc the fields and then plant the fragments of grass and wait until it grows.

Indian Paint Brush

Elder and Sister Foy live in this home it was just recently remodeled,  it is called the Guest Home

After the tour of the ranch we started back to work.  Elder Foy was tearing apart the bath tub.
Surprise "yuck"  it is amazing what you can find when you remove fixtures or insulation that has been covered and then exposed.  The critters find away into the fixtures and walls.

This beautiful bird is called a Scissor Tailed Fly Catcher.

When in flight the tail crosses back and forth just like scissors.  It is fun to watch!
We had a wonderful day working and seeing the ranch!  Very beautiful and green right now.  We are getting used to our trailer, and trying to find places to put all the things that we brought to make our trailer a home.

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