Friday, April 29, 2016

Mt Calm Texas

We got in the truck to explore and we headed to the town of Mt Calm, Texas.  It is a very tiny town, as our most towns in Texas.  But this town is bigger than Prairie Hills, were the ranch is located.
This building is in Mt Calm, it says Private Investigator on the sign,
we asked at the store what this building with its displays was all about, she didn't know but she said he helped with the O J Simpson case.  Oh well!

 The site was closed so we will have to stop when its opened to see just what this is
all about.

 So we went into this shop called Dixie's very cute little convenient store
 The store owner told us that a disabled veteran makes these cute critters out of copper wire!

 They have a lot of cemeteries,  and most of them have historical fact plaques.  Which make it so nice to learn the history of the area. 

 Mt Antioch Cemtery

 These fun sunflowers are just starting to bloom all along the road.
 Our first Wild Pigs!  We saw over thirty, they move very fast, and they were very far away
so the photo is slightly blurry, but my first wild pigs.  And yes these were on the ranch!
 There were little baby ones with these but I did not get a photo of them yet.

 Scissor Tailed Fly Catcher

And we saw the tail end of a white tail deer, also our first deer sighted on the ranch!

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