Monday, April 18, 2016

Navisota Ranch

Welcome to Navisota Ranch: 

 Elder Gibson and I arrived this morning and went right to work.  We meet Elder and Sister Foy at the Fenton Home, this will also be were our trailer will be parked while we work on the Fenton Home.

Elder Gibson meeting Elder and Sister Foy while I take a photo!

 Elder Foy, Elder Gibson, Ranch Manager Jason Bagley, and Sister Foy!
Our trailer and the Fenton Home.

We went to the temporary office for our first meeting, to meet with the Ranch Manager.

temporary office          
Elder Gibson 

The future office building will be built on this site, it was 
where Mr Crye lived.  His home will be removed as will the tree's.
That is part of our job to get the site ready for the new building.

  Texas Bluebonnet
The valley is so beautiful and green, lots of rain.  they received over 8 inches today.
and yes we had flooding, but it did not hurt anything.  Just wet.
Alligator Turtle
We had one visitor today which made me very happy it reminded me of our last mission in Missouri at Adam-ondi-Ahman.  He was just crossing the road.

Setting Sun!     
Home sweet home for the next two years!!

We had a wonderful first day!  Elder and Sister Foy are amazing, they our so helpful and kind, we are so excited to have the chance to serve with them.  They will teach us a lot and share in this awesome adventure!

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