Friday, April 29, 2016

Bagley Home

We had a wonderful lightening storm last night, they wake you up, it lights the trailer up like its day time.  I want to stay up and watch the storm but then I would be sleepy all day!
So this morning the air was misty, so beautiful heavy fog, but not sure if they call it fog in Texas?

Then we headed to the Bagley Home to continue to work.

 The Bagley Home

This beautiful home was the previous ranch owners home when he came to visit, a Mr Tippie.

These two vultures wanted to dry out there wings, catch some rays, but the sun was not out.  So maybe they let the wind dry them out.
 Its truly a sight to see an ugly old buzzard!
 But they are very common and we see them a lot.

 But even though they are ugly I think they are rather cool.

I stepped out side and the wind was blowing and this Meadow Lark was getting its wings air dried also.
 Look out Marilyn Monroe! 

Just a minute!!  I am sharing a tune!

 English Sparrow

Okay so we did work at the Bagley home!

 Elder Foy working on more plumbing.
 Elder Gibson texturing the walls in the closet.

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