Saturday, May 21, 2016

Copper Breaks State Park Texas

We moved in the morning to the new apartment.  And then we headed to the Copper Breaks State Park.  It was just a short trip about 1hr drive.  It is a tiny park, but beautiful Red Rock, Juniper trees, and Prairie Flowers.  We have come to the conclusion that State Parks are the only places left for Texans to go camping.  With all the land privately owned, they have no where to go but to the State Parks.  Sad in one way, but nice that Texas bought up some of the land to create some camping sites.

 lots of rain has filled in all the creeks with muddy water!

 Lazy Daisy

 Sister Gibson
 My Cowboy!!
 Elder Gibson

 Lake Copper Breaks

 We found a GEO cache with out looking for one!

 Historic Windmill, but the paddles has fallen off and our on the Ground,
not sure why it was called Historic Windmill?
 Its  beautiful day and the clouds are so white, and the sky so blue,
and everything is green since we have had all this rain!
 Big Pond


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