Thursday, May 19, 2016

Miracles Happen!

We left the quarry and headed towards home, it is 4:00 pm and we have a 6 1/2 hour drive if we don't stop.  So we headed back towards Paducah, and the Triangle Ranch.

 The sky still shows signs of Thunderstorms, all the creeks and rivers are flowing with brown water!

 A very beautiful drive home!

 Oops Tire Blow Out!!
 The Miracle!!  The road was a two lane road, with no pullouts our passing lanes.  We followed Elder Park and all was well.  A Camero pulled up along side us and alerted us that something was wrong.  With no where to pull of the road.  We continued to drive on, just up ahead was a home with a cleared out drive way.  So we limped up and pulled off in their front yard.  The home had been abandoned so no help could be given or so I thought.  Our Cell Phone had no service, so Elder Park didn't know we had stopped.  Elder Gibson discovered that we had no jack, and no spare tire for the trailer.   He walked the abandon yard and looked for some 4 x 4 or 2 x 4's to create a ramp to lift the tire off the ground.  Maybe we could get the tire off.  We did have a spare tire for the Truck maybe it would work!  So we removed the trailer tire, and tried to use the Truck tire but the Truck tire was to big and would not work.  Just then Elder Gibson's phone worked and it was Elder Park, asking where we were.  Elder Gibson only got out Flat Tire before the line went dead.  Elder Park came back to help us.  He had a spare tire for his trailer that would work but still no jack.  So we drove up on the 4 x 4's and lifted the trailer enough to change the tire.   All fixed we headed to the town of Earl, Texas.  To put air in the tire we just put on.
Tire fixed headed to Early, Texas

 Mexican Hat Flower

These murals drawn on the building across from the Gas Station!

 Stopped at Early, Texas we are at the Gas Station, to put air into the tires.  We discover that another tire has a slow leak and has a patch on the inside sidewall.  Yikes!!

Its 8:30 pm, we are tired, we have no spare tires, no jack, and a slow leak in one of the tires on our trailer.  Elder Gibson decides to stay the night in Brownwood, Texas.  This little town has a Discount Tire that opens at 8:30 am.  So we can get two new tires in the morning.  Elder Park decides to continue towards the Ranch.  They arrive at the Ranch at 1:30 am.  Very tired but safe.

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