Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Took a break and went to photograph some butterflies.
Found a few!!
 This tiny little butterfly was flittering around then landed and let me take a few shots.

 Not sure what this mauve berry was growing along the road!

 A few flowers are still present.

 This beauty is called a
Common Mestra


 I caught this one sunning himself.

 Small Shasta Daisy

 This little guy was camouflaged with the dead weed.

 My camera had a hard time focusing in on just this small little fella.
 Notice the cool snout on this butterfly!
American Snout Butterfly
American Snout Butterfly.

Elder Gibson called I'm needed back at the Office!!
I had a fun break the butterflies are all headed to Mexico,
so I have a few more weeks to catch some more.

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