Thursday, November 17, 2016

Ranch Office and Visitors

Happy Thursday!
The Mattison's Visitors
 Sister of Gail Mattison.
 Elder Gibson
 The view from the office is spectacular!!

 We set the post this morning for the front porch!
 Elder Gibson will continue to work while I run away to Groesbeck.

 Groesbeck Genealogy Genies!
This fun group of ladies meet in Groesbeck the 3rd Thursday of each month.

These gentlemen donated a book to the Groesbeck Family History Library Room.
 The sun was just right and the Queen butterfly was enjoying the day!

 Queen Butterfly

 Little Skipper Butterfly just to the right.

Stopped at the Fort Parker Memorial Cemetry
 Old gate guarding the family plot.
 I just love the fences.
 beautiful headstone
 Elder John Parker

 Cool tree
 These fields are so pretty and green,
this is the fields of Oats that the ranch has planted.

 Elder Gibson finished the porch extensions.

 Now we will finish laying the plywood floor.
 Working in the field getting ready to plant bermuda grass.
Good night!!

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