Saturday, November 5, 2016

Saturday Drive

We worked today in the shop, cleaning up, and helping the Cowboy's.
Later we went for a drive.
 Its November 1st and no sign of fall leaves, the trees are still green.
I loved the covered roads, lined by trees
 She see's me but she stands still

 This one started to leave
 but then it stopped to look at me!
 We came upon a large group of wild pigs.
but they would not stop running to take a photo.
 Then they crossed the road, and I just kept clicking.

 then then all ran off on the other side of the road
 there was a bunch of them, but I could not get my camera to focus on them.
 The last two, one was a tiny little piglet.
I decided to add all the photo's even though they were blurry!!

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