Monday, November 7, 2016

Ranch Office

Ranch Office work.
 Vulture hovered over the Ranch office this morning
the sky is overcast and threatens to rain at any time.

 Beautiful Moth, this moth has been making an appearance at several places.
 Elder Gibson, checking the walls again to make sure they are plumb.
 Sister Gibson
 with the rain we have had the Heron's are out looking for frog's

 A beautiful Blue Heron
 Elder Gibson driving the tractor

 We cut the floor joist, and loaded them up on the tractor
and lifting them up move onto the walls.
 Elder Gibson walks one joist at a time on to the wall.
 Starting the floor one joist at a time.
 cool, a few of the floor joist nailed down.
 Fire Ants stirred up and ready to bite.
 Elder Gibson nailing down another Floor Joist

 A beautiful site!
 Next set of joist, cut and ready to place on the wall.

 We had a surprise visit from Elder and Sister Bynum
they showed up just as the rain's came down.
 We headed over to the Bagley home to visit.
 Elder Gibson, Sister and Elder Bynum from Alabama
 Elder and Sister Gibson, and Sister and Elder Bynum
We are a little wet from the rain storm.
 The Bynum's are on there way home.  They just finished working at the 
Triangle Ranch.  In March they will return to Navasota Ranch to help us lay
the rock on the front of our Ranch Office.
 The sky opened up and rained on us.
we hurried and took the floor joist off the tractor
for now they are just laid up on the wall.
We will place them in the morning!
 I love the skies of Texas!

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