Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Headquarter House/ Fenton/Missionaries

Worked at the Fenton House, second coat of paint.   Then headed over to the Headquarter House, to fix a drain, and then back to work at the Fenton House.
 Guinea hens the Taylor's have purchased to help with the bugs.

 Not sure what this plant is but it is very pretty!

 Pecan's not sure when to harvest, but will be great when ready!

 Elder Gibson working on the drain!
 Jace and Taylor finished painting the Master Bedroom looks great!

 Closet with new coat of paint!
 Back to Fenton house, second coat of paint done, we can remove all the taped off area's.
Nice and clean!

 Sister Gibson
 Completed walls

 They look great
 The parade of doors with there fresh coat  of paint.
 We took the Elder's out to dinner!!
Elder Greenwood from Utah County, and Elder Brady from Riverton!
We ordered a large Pizza, but the Elder's ordered a Calzone, and Meatball sub.
Thinking they might still be hungry.
Elder Greenwood, was so full before his Calzone arrived,
the look on his face when they sat this beautiful large Calzone in front of 
him was priceless.  So he took it home.

So cute!
August is over we had a great month.
Great way to send the night out watching the sun set!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Fenton House

We are so close to painting the house!!  Everyone has worked so hard to get the house to this point.
All the prep work for painting, takes a lot of time, sanding, caulking, and setting nails.  The house looks great, and the work continues.

We got all the doors set up, to paint them first.  So Elder Gibson put on the paint suit, and started to paint the doors.  I continued to prep the walls.  And then when he finished the doors, he started on the
walls.  It was hard for me to stay ahead of him, and have the rooms ready.  But I did it!!!  And the first coat of paint is on!!!

Monday, August 29, 2016

Fun photo's & Thoughts

These fun photo's and thoughts were posted on Facebook!

 Take time!!!
 This is what my hair look's like most of the time while working!
So funny, but hey I'm still cute!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Setting Sun

We had a beautiful storm cloud forming, and the sun was setting making a beautiful sky!!

This type of Bee/Beetle flew into the trailer, it has beautiful peacock colors.  Cool!