Friday, August 26, 2016

Prairie Hills Cotton Field

We finally figured out what crop was being grown in the field, its Cotton, Tayler asked me if it had bloomed yet.  So I had Elder Gibson, take me for a ride tonight.  And yes the Cotton had bloomed.  Its beautiful, its just getting started, so I will go take pictures again.
But here are a few that I took today.

Elder Gibson took a picture of me holding the Cotton
to funny!

I found some old photo's of cotton fields, being picked.
They say that there are stickers in the cotton, so it cuts your hands when you pluck the cotton out of the hull.
 Okay so this little fella is not picking cotton,
but I thought it was way cute!!

 I can't imagine picking cotton one piece at a time,
and in this hot heat and humidity!
 They used this bag to put the cotton in that they picked
and would pull the cotton along with them as they worked!

Today cotton is retrieved with a machine!
 early advertisement for the cotton machine
The Cotton Harvester
Cotton Machine for America, Tin Type 1885 London
This early Cotton Machine
It will pick 6 to 8 acres per day!

 Post Card 
Picking Cotton with a machine in Texas

 Roll of Cotton

 Bale of Cotton

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