Monday, August 22, 2016

Flowers and Butterflies

This afternoon, the sun came out and it was a beautiful afternoon to explore.

Snow on the Prairie or Snow on the Mountain

Interesting flower, its a type of milkweed, and popular
in peoples flower gardens, but the milk cause's blisters.
Also if the cattle eats this plant it gets sick and loses weight.
But the Indians used to eat this plant at the young stage
like lettuce.
 Looks like snow across the pasture.

 Monarch Butterfly

 These Garden Spiders are everywhere,
this one had a huge web, that went clear up the tree to the
bottom of the ground.

 The Ranch has some amazing views!

 Another mushroom growing out of the tree's

 Mocking Bird
 As we headed into Mexia, the Clouds were amazing!!
This one looks like a pig, but this huge cloud was a heavy storm.
And we drove right into it.
 Just as we got to the home of Bill and Sharon
the storm was hitting Mexia!!

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