Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Evening Walk

We had an interesting walk, we found a fun pond with lots of Frogs.  But as we were walking towards the pond, I heard a scuffling sound and thought it might be a lizard, so I looked at the base of the tree, looking for the lizard when my eye caught the slithering of a snake sliding up the tree limb.  And then it stopped of course for me to take a photo.  So look real close and you will see what I saw.

 I am not sure what type of snake it is, it does not have Rattles, but it is over 4 feet long!
 Close up Smile I see you!!!
 Fun Bull frogs they were huge, the size of a salad plate.

 Little blurry they were clear across the pond, five of them all starring back at me.
 When you walk near them they give a deep croak and jump into the water.  Its quite fun!!
 This Flower was interesting!
 Pom Pom Ball
 Little orange flowers surround the ball
And then a ball of seeds

 Lots of cool rocks

 Can you see me
 Peach Cactus flower

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