Friday, May 27, 2016

Road Trip to Prairie Hills, Texas

On the road again, another 7 1/2 hour drive, yikes did I just say that.
So along the way, I took photo's of the fun County court houses, and buildings that we saw as we drove.  We listened to a book on tape, giggled, and watched the miles roll along.

Throckmorton County Court House

 Breckenridge, Texas

 Weatherford, Texas,Parker County Court House
 Weatherford Presbyterian Church
 Gibson Discount Store, we used to have one of these in Ogden, Utah
I thought they were all gone, but this one is still open for business.
In the town of Weatherford, Texas

 Ronald McDonald roping a cow!!
 Go Ronald!!!
Cleburne, Texas, Johnson County Court House
 Hillsboro, Texas  Hill County Court House

The trip back was great, and it feels good to be back in our little trailer.

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