Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Tuesday a day of work.

Hi Ho Hi Ho its off to work we go!!!!

 Tyvek is up
 Wrapping the windows
 Sister Park painted the beams to look like wood, they are spectacular!
 Sister Park working on the trim she is adding a black stain to the wood as a glaze
 Beautiful green cabinets for the new kitchen.

 Sister Park working on the cabinets.

Sister Gibson painting

 These doors will cover the water heater and furnace room.
 Sister Park painted this wall to look like leather, she painted sheets of  paper and then applied them to the wall.  It is a beautiful wall.

 Morning sprinkle, every thing is wet

 This dove landed on the branch and just ruffled its feathers to dry them off.

The wind blew so hard last night we lost tree branches, and the Scissor Tailed Fly Catchers nest is blown off the branch .  She was really made today and was building another nest.  She squawked every time she flew to the tree.

 Elder Gibson and Elder Park working on the prep work

 You Don't see me!!!
You Still don't!
Pink puffballs waiting for the bees to remove the pollon

 This one made me think of my sister in Juneau, Alaska
A whales tail!!
Clouds as far as the eye can see, its breathtaking.

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