Friday, May 27, 2016

Headed home back to Navasota Ranch, Prairie Hills, Texas

Well we are headed back to Prairie Hills, Texas.  Onward to the Navasota Ranch.  We said goodbye to Elder and Sister Park, they will join us soon at the Navasota Ranch when we start the Headquarter building. 
 Elder Gibson and Elder Park
 Sister Gibson and Elder Gibson

 This was our home for one week, the outside view of the Maids Quarters.
 Back view
Side view

 More fun clouds billowy and white
The Ranch Managers Home
 Side view

 This is the home that we lived in when we first arrived,
stayed her two weeks
 Adios young lady!!
 All loaded and headed home
 Long Horns came to say goodbye

 The beautiful valley of Triangle Ranch
One of the tanks (ponds) filled to overflowing!

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